Çağla Grup A.Ş.
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Çağla Grup released its new web page !
To give you better services, Çağla Group has renewed its corporate web page.
Cagla Group Human Resources
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 Working Principles
Our Quality Policy

  • To produce original projects for the electricity users

  • To follow-up closely the developments in the technology of electricity in the world and to develop projects for applications in our country

  • To integrate our corporate structure with continuous improvement and development and to use our knowledge and experience in order to create the better

  • To create a difference in competition by keeping he Customer Satisfaction at top level and by presenting more appropriate prices

  • To value our employees, development and creative opinions and to create value
Our Occupational Health And Occupational Safety Policy

ÇAĞLA GROUP; is responsible from the health of its employees, subcontractors, visitors and everybody who is effected by its activities. It acts within the frame of the following policies in order to prevent and minimize any damage to occur:    
  • To comply with the legislations related to Occupational Health and Occupational Safety system and the regulation related to Occupational Health and Occupational Safety

  • To create the system that is appropriate for Occupational Health and Occupational Safety and to comply with all the developments in order to provide the continuity

  • To form continuous analysis and risk evaluation for all types of risks that might arise of its activities and to take the required measures in order to minimize the damages

  • To increase the communication among the employees in order to create the awareness relevant to Occupational Health and Occupational Safety and to conduct works to provide their participation
Our Environment Policy

ÇAĞLA GROUP; works in order to take all the measures to protect the environment and to minimize all the impacts that might harm the environment as a result of its activities. It acts within the frame of the following policies in order to prevent and to minimize any damage to the environment.  
  • To comply with the legislations related to Environment and the regulation related to Environment

  • To create the system that is appropriate for Environment and to comply with all the developments in order to provide the continuity

  • To form continuous analysis and risk evaluation for all types of risks to the environment that might arise of its activities and to take the required measures in order to control the damages

  • To increase the communication among the employees in order to create the awareness relevant to Environment and to conduct works to provide their participation
To use the natural resources effectively and to take all the measures in order to prevent the wastes
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